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Demystifying TypeScript: Static Typing for JavaScript

Hello HaWkers!

Today we're going to talk about TypeScript, a language that is gaining more and more popularity among developers. But what is TypeScript and why is it so popular? Let's find out.


What is TypeScript?

TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that adds static types and other powerful features to the language. This means that any valid JavaScript code is also valid TypeScript code. TypeScript simply adds more functionality to JavaScript, including static typing.

Why use TypeScript?

There are several reasons to use TypeScript in your projects. Here are some of the benefits:

  • Security: Static typing helps you avoid many common runtime errors by allowing you to catch errors during the development phase.
  • Autocompletion and documentation: Most modern code editors support TypeScript, providing autocompletion and helping with code documentation.
  • Future compatibility: TypeScript adds new features to JavaScript that have not yet been implemented in all browsers or runtime environments.

How to get started with TypeScript?

To get started with TypeScript, you need to install the TypeScript compiler. This can be done through npm, the Node.js package manager, with the following command:

npm install -g typescript

Once installed, you can compile your .ts files to .js using the tsc command:

tsc my-file.ts

Example TypeScript code

Here is a simple example of TypeScript code:

function greeting(name: string) {  return `Hello, ${name}!`;}let name = 'HaWkers';console.log(greeting(name));

In this example, the greeting function expects a parameter of type string. If we try to pass a number or an object to this function, the TypeScript compiler will give us an error.


TypeScript is an amazing tool that can enhance your JavaScript projects, bringing benefits such as security, autocompletion, documentation, and forward compatibility. If you're not already using TypeScript, I would highly recommend giving it a try.

I hope this article helped you understand what TypeScript is and why it is so popular. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to get in touch!

To the next!

If you liked this article, be sure to check out my article on The Magic of CSS Grid: Creating Responsive Layouts.


Let's go up 🦅

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